Identity System, 2023

Exhibited artworks are hung “salon-style,” installed nearly edge to edge and floor to ceiling, in order to maximize the number of works displayed. The design system I developed to promote the exhibition is a flexible grid system that mimics a salon-style hang in 2D form.
Each for design, I would create a customized grid that prioritizes retaining the original dimensions of the artworks we want to feature and then building the rest of the information around those elements. The title of the exhibition would occupy a section of the grid, featuring the monochromatic color palette that most compliments the imagery. The title also needed to behave flexibly and respond to the grid shape it occupies.

Tim Brugard, curator
Alejandro Stein, exhibition design director
Meghan Moran, senior exhibition graphic designer
Kate Agarwal, exhibition graphic designer
Jesse Beckman, graphics preparator
Typeset in Akzidenz Grotesk and Signifier. Installation photography by Gary Sexton.